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Let’s dive into today’s topic:
How an artist brand benefits fans
Obvious associations can be made with artist brands, such as genre and quality of music. However, by delving deeper, we can identify more abstract - yet more strategically applicable - associations, such as a brand's benefits.
How it works
The Brand Knowledge Model (Keller, 1993) conceptualises a brand node in memory, to which associations of a brand are linked. Applied to artist brands, this can be translated into how people remember an artist.
One of these associations is the brand’s benefits, the personal value people attribute to the music, or what people think the music can do for them. There are three types of brand benefits:
Functional benefits relate to the brand’s problem-solving or problem-removal capabilities. They represent the intrinsic advantages of consuming the brand. For example:
I listen to [artist brand] because it helps me focus.
I listen to music to stimulate me during my workout.
Experiential benefits or emotional benefits relate to what it feels like when using the brand. For example:
Listening to [artist brand] makes me feel happy/sad.
When I see [artist brand] on Instagram I feel empowered.
Symbolic benefits relate to the brand’s extrinsic, non-product-related advantages, such as social approval and self-expression. Most artist brand positioning focuses on this. For example:
I wear a [artist brand] t-shirt to show that I belong to this fan base.
I post this music on my stories to show I’m always the first with new music.
Analysing the symbolic benefits of a brand gives information about a fan’s identity and the niche, scene and/or community they surround themselves with.
Yes, but..
For music artist brands there is much overlap between benefits. Listening to certain music to get into a certain emotional state is both a functional and experiential benefit. However, it’s not about getting the categories right; it’s about gaining more insight into why people interact with the artist's brand and using this knowledge to position the brand into desired brand associations.
Take action now
Answer yourself: What can your brand do for your fans?
Further reading
Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22.
Park, C.W., Jaworski B.J., Maclnnis D.J. (1986). Strategic Brand Concept-Image Management. Journal of Marketing, 50(10), 621-35.