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Let’s dive into today’s topic:
Creating personal winning streaks for artists
When a task becomes a habit, it gets easier.
Why it matters
Many artists judge their success by streams or followers. However, these metrics can be affected by algorithms and gatekeepers.
For emerging artists, it’s tough to stay motivated when those numbers aren’t growing.
That’s why it’s better to focus on metrics that are within control - things only the artist can influence, such as a winning streak of recurring tasks.
How it works
Consistency is a crucial driver for success in every aspect of life. When a task becomes a habit, it gets easier.
Consistency can be measured by creating winning streaks:
Set a recurring task and a schedule (daily, weekly, etc.).
Count how long the task is completed without interruption.
Winning streaks show an artist's commitment to their career. The longer the streak, the greater the rewards.
Here are some streak ideas artists can start right away:
Publish an Instagram Story every day.
Comment on at least one other artist’s social media post daily.
Send at least one email pitching music to DJs every Wednesday.
Publish a newsletter every Tuesday at 10:00 AM.
Yes, but..
What if the winning streaks are great, but the metrics that matter aren’t improving?
Stick with the streak, but look at what can be tweaked.
Don’t ditch ideas too quickly. Give them time to develop before trying something new.
Take action now
Start being consistent today by assembling a winning streak for a simple social media task.
Your thoughts
We’re eager to hear your experiences and insights on today’s topic. Join the conversation and engage with hundreds of artists, creators, and industry professionals in the comments.
Further reading
How artists can regain control over their marketing efforts (The Fanbase Builder)
Why artists should comment on other artists’ posts (The Fanbase Builder)
Why artists shouldn’t skip steps (The Fanbase Builder)
Finding the metrics that matter (The Fanbase Builder)
New database: Music industry data tools (Water & Music)