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Let’s dive into today’s topic:
How to use download codes on Bandcamp
Artists may offer unique download codes that can be redeemed for music by their fans. Bandcamp’s slightly overlooked Track/album code feature provides a handy solution for this purpose.
Why it matters
I often see artists sharing music through a semi-public Dropbox folder. By using gated channels, such as download codes, artists can provide a safer, more professional, and more controlled method of distributing their music. This is especially important when selling music to DJs.
How it works
Bandcamp's Track/album codes (formerly known as Download codes) are specially designed to allow fans to redeem a unique code for a song or album.
Artists can generate up to 200 codes for free, with additional codes available for purchase or earned through sales.
Artists can distribute these codes to fans, who can redeem them on the artist's Bandcamp profile at
[example], or by adding a unique code as a parameter to the URL in email campaigns{{artist}}.bandcamp.com/yum?code={{code}}
[example]When fans redeem a code, they can opt-in to the artist's newsletter and add the item to their Bandcamp collection, which will display the fan as a supporter of the release.
Fans receive a high-quality download and unlimited streaming of the item on Bandcamp.
So, how can artists distribute these download codes? Here are some ideas:
Add a download code to a vinyl record, CD, cassette, or other merchandise so fans can download the music they bought for free. Just design and print a voucher, print or write the download codes on them, and include the voucher to the merchandise item.
Sell vouchers with a download code at shows.
Reward newsletter subscribers with a download code.
Use download codes to share unreleased music with fans and industry stakeholders via private albums.
Add a download code to a Music NFT so fans can download the music they minted or bought for free (although this may not be a secure option since the codes would be stored publicly on a blockchain).
Yes, but..
Bandcamp also has a feature called download credits that allows artists to give away music for free without using a download code. Artists receive 200 download credits for free each month, with additional credits available for purchase.
Also, it is worth noting that Bandcamp, owned by Epic Games (Fortnite), has been accused of union busting by some of its employees.
Take action now
Administrators of a Bandcamp artist page can find Track/album codes under Tools. Here’s a direct link
Further reading
Track/album code tutorial (Bandcamp)
We are a union of workers at Bandcamp - We are Bandcamp United. (Bandcamp United)
Full disclaimer
The example links above refer to the download code page of an artist I’m working for. We add a voucher with a hand-written Bandcamp Track/album code to each vinyl record.